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**wtb steelies**

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  • **wtb steelies**

    What's up people I am looking for steelies 4x100, don't care about the tires as long as there is tread on them.. Looking to spend 50 - 100 max so lmk, hit me up with a PM i'll get back to you.

  • #2
    i got some 13's black,or silver [i got a few sets] tires are kinda beat....i'll take 50.might have 15's but would have to get back to you about that....but those are a little more


    • #3
      i got 3 195-70r14 for 60
      D and G auto member #5
      98 EJ6 SOHC slow & 2011 ruckus


      • #4
        i got four 14". 80 bucks its yours


        • #5
          Ladies’ friends are not expensive-replica handbags

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