I have 2 205 50 zr15 Hoosier's 75.00 takes em ******SOLD******
2 225 50 zr15 Hoosier's 75.00 takes em *****SOLD******
I also have 18" slicks going to check sizes later but came off a porshe 911
Call me at 860-209-9071 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting******************* ***********************860-209-9071******************end_of_the_skype_highlightin g begin_of_the_skype_highlighting******************* ***********************860-209-9071******************end_of_the_skype_highlightin g I did not post best offer so do call with less money good trades considered just ask for dee
2 225 50 zr15 Hoosier's 75.00 takes em *****SOLD******
I also have 18" slicks going to check sizes later but came off a porshe 911
Call me at 860-209-9071 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting******************* ***********************860-209-9071******************end_of_the_skype_highlightin g begin_of_the_skype_highlighting******************* ***********************860-209-9071******************end_of_the_skype_highlightin g I did not post best offer so do call with less money good trades considered just ask for dee