Selling a set of 18" x 7.5" Volk CE28N wheels for my friend.
Wheels come with the following
4 - Mint Condition Volk CE28N Wheels 18" x 7.5" $3000
1 - Slightly damaged Volk CE28N Wheel *Can be fixed*
4 - Dunlop SP Sport FM901 90% Tread Left $520
1 - Set of Black Rays Lugnuts Brand New $150
4 - Volk Racing Carbon Fiber Centercaps $150
$3820.oo New
Your Price - $1600!!!! And everything is BRAND NEW CONDITION!!!! Thats $400 dollars a wheel/tire/lugs/centercap can't beat that deal anywhere!
Message Me If Anyone Is Interested
Thanks Everyone -_ Anthony
Here are some pictures

Wheels come with the following
4 - Mint Condition Volk CE28N Wheels 18" x 7.5" $3000
1 - Slightly damaged Volk CE28N Wheel *Can be fixed*
4 - Dunlop SP Sport FM901 90% Tread Left $520
1 - Set of Black Rays Lugnuts Brand New $150
4 - Volk Racing Carbon Fiber Centercaps $150
$3820.oo New
Your Price - $1600!!!! And everything is BRAND NEW CONDITION!!!! Thats $400 dollars a wheel/tire/lugs/centercap can't beat that deal anywhere!
Message Me If Anyone Is Interested
Thanks Everyone -_ Anthony
Here are some pictures
