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car won't start need help ASAP

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  • #16
    Originally posted by LilPhil View Post
    does the motor turn over if not prob Ignition, if it does prob bad fuel pump dizzy, but check ur fuses first, there is this one gay fuse, i forgot the name of it, its called starter control module or suttin stupid like that, but if it is bad it wont get spark or turn fuel pump on, so id check all the fuses. Also is there a check engine light, if so see what its for
    thanks to everyone who helped wit the ideas..after messing with it for a while i jus checked yahoo one more time for "civic wont start" and while i was reading it said something about an alternator fuse and then i just checked and saw this message about a fuse so i checked and it was had a lil crack in it that i didnt even notice so i swapped it and the car started right sucks that i didnt have my car for 3 days cuz of a blown fuse but that was all :D i swore it was the relay or ignition cuz my starter had stopped getin power and there were no clikc but i never knew this fuse had something to do with it oh welll :confused: thanks


    • #17
      Damm....Lilphil still got it..


      • #18
        Originally posted by Herminshs View Post
        Damm....Lilphil still got it..
        hell yea!!! u dont understand how heated i was that i didnt have my car for 3 days cuz of a fuse!!! thanks lilphil


        • #19
          jesus i would have expected you to check the fuses after day one..... but oh well, good job on the find


          • #20
            Originally posted by stevo11811 View Post
            jesus i would have expected you to check the fuses after day one..... but oh well, good job on the find
            i did check it on day one but i was just looking for any obvious ones...and it was hot and i wasnt in da mood...but o well i learned my lesson


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