Simply Amazing. Off the bottle, Shep made an amazing pass of 7.95 @ 182.28mph! Looking forward to seeing faster passes when they get the bottle back on! Th...
WOW, 7.70@191mph. Just when you think he can't get any faster, he beats his previous record. Thanks again to shepracing com. Timeslips and more info can b...
he hasnt raced the car since 2006 bc he says it can hit 7.5 now and he doesnt wanna keep going that fast bc if it crashed he wouldnt survive, or so ive heard
he hasnt raced the car since 2006 bc he says it can hit 7.5 now and he doesnt wanna keep going that fast bc if it crashed he wouldnt survive, or so ive heard
rumor has it he going to a tube chasis. but his fanboi will clear that up. lol
grow up. it was honda ppl who made this thread. it seems everyone here gets along and everyone respects other ppls intrests but you. your trying to turn this site into another ctboosted or shut up.
yea turbo people's stang does 7's on radials , but i guessin he was gonna say a 4cyl thats not tubed doin that!
but yea shep is the fuckin man, on his site he does say how he retired the car because its too fast and unsafe at those speeds and he is a family man and rather leave the car as is and still be alive!