i have a question for some1 that would kno whats the difference between cable nd hydro clutches??? cause i have an act cable clutch nd i wanna kno what part dont fit on a hydro tranny if either the puck or the pressure plate?? lmk guys thanks
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yup spline count and diameter is really different i remembered when i ordered my DA clutch i put in 1990 and they sent me a gs-r clutch say the least it didn't fit had to wait another week for the clutch to be sent..9-3-12 Legendary IG thatsmrmycocksafloppintoyou
depense what cable trans the clucth is for. Their is two differ cable trans. one has a bigger spline then the other. Idk which is which but I know the hydro/cable trans have the same spline count and same shit besides the one cable one with the ghey spline.Money ain't a thing! Crew Member #1
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