I don't know who the fuck you are. Some dumb ass in a black Civic EX coupe on route 2 North at around 11:30am near Marlborough. You were driving like an asshole around me (black Integra GSR) for close to a mile. I was on my way to the emergency room. It's time to grow up kid and stop thinking your ebay-built Civic is a race car. You're not impressing anyone with your single cam with ebay headlights, generic fart can exhaust, and your ricer tow hook. When people are minding their own business driving the speed limit, don't be a bitch. The fact that I waved you on to pass me and you kept being a little annoying bitch is the worst part. This is the kind of fucking dude that records himself pulling up to someone and then speeding away, and then tells all his buddies and the internet that he won some epic street race. Even if I did street race, which I don't (too old for that shit), do you really think I'm going to race when there is a tractor trailer 40 feet in front of me? Get a life you dumb kid before you end up killing someone or yourself. People like this are the worst part about owning a Honda/Acura (aside from thieves).
If this is in the wrong section move it, but I know this dude is the kind of guy that comes to forums like this bragging about bullshit races he's had.
If this is in the wrong section move it, but I know this dude is the kind of guy that comes to forums like this bragging about bullshit races he's had.