AAnd you wanna.sit here and call this kid a bitch for making a thread about you at 2:30 in the morning. isn't that what you did 2 weeks ago to lsjdmteg. hypocrite .get a fucking job bro then you won't have to hustle ecus . Im out . wasted half my lunch over this
I aint make a thread bashin u cuz I wasnt comin.. THAT WAS THE POINT!! YOU HMU sayin u had a p06 at first. then u hmu monday sayin u had a pr4 for $20 too, and you would send me pics when u got home from work MONDAY! U KNEW I was coming Tues, then totally blow me off. You HMU from another # sayin some dumb shit, an that you "sold ur spare ecu" so now, miraculously, you only got a pr4, and now you want $25 to meet in BPT. FUK OUTTA HERE! I made the trip once, an u flaked. NOT MY PROBLEM! YOU don't lke my price, KICK A MOTHERFUCKIN BOULDER.
But DO NOT come on here talkin reckless when YOU WERE THE ONE WHO FUKED UP, NOT ME!
This clown jus mad that I called him out for bein a bullshittin ass flaker, and decided to make a thread at 230 in the mornin cuz he bored. LMAO!