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good clutch setup

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  • #16
    yea, the stock flywheel is better because the better weight gives you more inertia. when the engine spins it's not a smooth thing at all, thiers points of resistance and then points of almost no resistance and actual forcing down in the strokes. So it comes out to a kinda jerky transition into the transmission. and the flywheel smoothes that out, So if you have a heavier flywheel for drag racing you'll actually put down alittle more torque from the extra inertia helping the crank spin.


    • #17
      so how bout an act streetlite fly with clutch master stage 3


      • #18
        or how bout an exedy stage 2 thin or thick ceramic with act streelite


        • #19
          trying to make my mind


          • #20
            the street lite flywheel isn't a bad flywheel, and i don't think it's far off from honda flywheel weight. i can't remebr if thier stock 12 or 14lbs. The whole clutch set up is all a matter of driver preferance. Some people like thier pedal to feel stock but hold up better then the stock clutch. Some want or don't mind the extra pedal pressure and get a more aggresive clutch. I chose the act street disc because it's a good clutch, stronger then stock with not much change in pedal feel. and for a daily driver that's what was important to me. Also gota keep in mind the pressure plate you choose to. Thats another factor in your clutch set-up


            • #21
              Originally posted by BoostedB Series View Post
              act extreme pressure plate and act street disk with a stock flywheel best street setup period

              i got extereme act plate with hybrid kevlor disc and 7.5 lb flywheel ridicoulious setup


              • #22
                i'v heard bad things about act and clutchmaster, not gona lie. but act hasn't done me wrong yet. but when it does i'm goin to exedy or competition if that helps your decision any


                • #23

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                  • #24
                    i was told dat if i got a act stage 3 6 puck unsprung dat i would crack my tranny.... i wanna use it for daily/race....
                    SAVE THE SINGLES CREW MEMBER #1


                    • #25
                      compclutch stage 4 with act prolite flywheel!
                      GHK ALL DaY!
                      Fcuk Theives!


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Ej1_203 View Post
                        compclutch stage 4 with act prolite flywheel!

                        I have not seen a better clutch that competition so far...and I've tried them all.

