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Bad Syncro?

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  • Bad Syncro?

    So my 99 si started to randomly grind 3rd like im missing a gear.. only happens above 3500k .. under that it doesnt grind and downshifting from 4th it only does sometimes.. my clutch is pretty much shot but its onyl grinding 3rd.. i remember an old trick someone told me and put it almost in 3rd but not all the way in n just let it rev at 3k for a few minutes to burn oil or w/e off the syncro and i just drove for like 2minutes on break at work and it didnt grind the 4 or 5 times i went into gear.. im kinda confused on what it could be any thoguhts?

  • #2
    gotta open her up before she gets worse, sounds like a bad hub or selector.


    • #3
      hey buddy you did state that the clutch is bad. Dont keep driving her like that. u will tear the internal up pretty bad. Change the clutch and see if it still does it.
      My turbo is louder then yours!!!


      • #4
        sounds like a worn synchro ring and not the synchro it self, they are pretty cheap. if you know how to shift with out the clutch try that. if it still happening you know is not the clutch
        Last edited by panch; 11-01-2009, 09:25 PM.
        100 Pennies make a Dollar, The same applies for HP


        • #5
          yeah the clutch is pretty much shot, has been for like 2 months. if i drive it cold it will still grip but when its warm shit just slips and is shot haha..


          • #6
            lol try what panch said if it grinds bad synchros but if it doesnt you know its the clutch
            My turbo is louder then yours!!!


            • #7
              shits always gotta break right when im the brokest and just bought another car..


              • #8
                just buy a new clutch from im pretty sure its called norkor clutchs in hamden they have stock clutches there for 120 just throw NHswaps ur tranny get everything done at once knock it out


                • #9
                  worn synchro. do somthin before it gets bad. my third gear is officially trash


                  • #10
                    hopefulyl have my maxima registered thursday so ill just park the si for the winter and fix the clutch/syncro is the spring when i have more money hopefully haha .. 2 car loans ftl.


                    • #11
                      its usually not a bad sycro.. the hub is usually what takes the beating... def fix it before it gets worse.. if you need help or want someone to do it id be down to give u a hand! done lots of transmissions before and just put together a hydro gsr gearset in my cable cases with a lsd and ls 5th gear for the highway driving


                      • #12
                        my tranny does the same but only above 7000 rpm.. in third
                        White ek hatch

